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5 Easy Sales Tips

5 Easy Sales Tips

90% of Startup's FAIL within Their First Year of Business 

What's the worst thing that could happen if you're company or startup to fail?

  • Not being able to pay your vendors?
  • Having to layoff your staff?
  • Having to close your doors?
  • Giving up on your dream?

It Doesn't Have to Be Hard

Before you decide to move back in with Mom and Dad, take a deep breath.

Together, we can get your startups growth strategy ready for your next milestone.

Whether you're looking to land a whale of a client, or you're looking to raise your next round of funding, this course is for you.

It Starts With YOU

The Startup Sharks growth strategy is designed to meet you where you're at. In this course, you'll learn tips, tricks and techniques in order to grow your business 💸💸

You'll get exclusive access to:

  • Content including lessons and training videos focused on the Financial Health, Revenue Operations, and Sales Strategy of your organization
  • Infographics, Templates and Worksheets Designed to Help Narrow Your Sales Focus
  • Recommendations and Strategies to Implement Sales Best Practices and Financial Diligence 

The 5 Easy Steps to Develop Your Startups Sales Strategy is a self-paced course designed to help make managing a startup or early stage organization more easy.

This course is absolutely FREE: 

My goal is to help you develop both financial and self-literacy by better diving into the Quantitative and Qualitative data that describes your business and the jobs you need to do to get out your dreams. 

If you're interested in my limited quantity, Growth Hack consulting services, feel free to request a meeting

Be sure to check out our FREE guide which gives you a brief overview of 5 Easy Steps to Develop Your Startup's Sales Strategy TODAY:

Responsible Terence Latimer
Last Update 11/01/2023
Completion Time 5 hours 54 minutes
Members 1
    • Introduction
  • Welcome
    1Lessons · 2 min
    • Welcome to the Five Easy Sales Tips for Your Startups Strategy eCourse!
  • Why an Effective Startup Sales Strategy Matters
    3Lessons · 1 min
    • Why an Effective Startup Sales Strategy Matters
    • Why An Effective Sales Strategy Matters
    • How to Create a Cashflow Statement
  • Creating Business Goals
    1Lessons · 1 min
    • Creating Business Goals
  • Creating a Sales "Hypothesis"
    1Lessons · 1 min
    • Creating a Sales Hypothesis
  • Startup Sales Tip #1 - Figure Out How Its Being Done
    2Lessons · 5 hr 25 min
    • Figure Out How Its Being Done
    • Revolving Doors Why People Aren't Buying the Job You're Selling
  • Startup Sales Tip #2 - Identify Opportunities for Improvement
    2Lessons · 20 min
    • Identify Opportunities for Improvement
    • Sales Strategy Recommendation Template
  • Startup Sales Tip #3 - Create Goals
    1Lessons · 1 min
    • Create Goals
  • Startup Sales Tip #4 - Test, Test, Test!
    1Lessons · 1 min
    • Test, Test, Test
  • Startup Sales Tip #5 - Always Be Closing
    1Lessons · 1 min
    • Always Be Closing
  • Strategies for Uncertain Times
    1Lessons · 1 min
    • Wrap Up + Closing